Monday, July 25, 2022

Week 15 - Final Spring Class

Today (July 26) is the last class of Spring 2022. Otsukare.

Today we will do some Eiken practice.

Ex. 2 - 1

A - 2 - 1

B - 2 - 1

C - 2 - 1

D - 2 - 1

E - 2 - 1

F - 2 - 1

G - 2 - 1

H - 2 - 1

Xreading homework (Homework #4) is due today. You should have read 4 books and passed the quizzes on Xreading.

The first meeting of Com Skill 1B will be Sept. 20 (Tues), Room 505. Which of you will be here in the fall?

Have a great summer!

Monday, July 18, 2022

Week 14 - Speaking Quiz #2

Good afternoon!

Speaking Quiz #2 is July 19. The prep handout is here.

I will use the spinner to find who goes first. After the first person, the order is the same as attendance order.

Take the written quiz while Kevin is talking to students one by one. Please don't talk during the written quiz.

After you have taken the speaking quiz, written quiz, and watched the video, you may leave.

Be ready when it's your turn to speak!


We have one more class next week (July 26). Xreading homework (4 books) is due that day.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Week 13 - Quiz Preparation and more

Today, we will do some exercises re. 'where things are located' (July 12).

But first, Kevin will show you this.

Oral Quiz #2 will be July 19 (next week). Today Kevin will give you the quiz questions.

Quiz 2 Prep Handout 2022

Materials Exercise

Phrasal Verbs Exercise

Xreading Homework (Homework #4a) is due soon; July 26. You are supposed to read four books on Xreading and pass the quizzes.

This online activity will help you practice for Quiz #2. You don't have to register (but you can if you want to see your score ranking). To play without registering, click the blue link at right, as in the image below.

There are two more Tuesday classes; July 19 and July 26.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Week 12 - More Describing Things

Long-term Study Abroad Orientation is July 11 & July 14.

Today, we will do some more exercises re. 'describing things' (July 5).

Oral Quiz #2 will be July 19 (in two weeks). 

Materials Exercise

Phrasal Verbs Exercise

Xreading Homework (Homework #4a) is due soon; July 26. You are supposed to read four books on Xreading and pass the quizzes.